How to speak with breasts? Or how to become a cool tittygram model
There is a saying “The eyes are the window of the soul”. That’s so true! Eyes give us all basic information about the person. They tell us if he or she is kind, angry, beautiful or ugly, calm or impulsive.
But if we consider the situation when a female breast is the general information carrier (which is exactly the accent of Tittygram) then, there must be some special demands to this breast.
They are hard to formulate, but finally it comes to the conclusion, that the breast must become a conductor of humanity which is normally a function of eyes and face. In fact, a topless model in some way has to learn how to speak with her breasts! She is to transmit the information and doing this with a dash of fun, creative, and without any vulgarity. This is an incredibly hard job, but we teach girls how to perform the art! So, what do you need to become a top Tittygram model? Many people think that it is only a good appearance that matters. Unfortunately, this is false! We do see it in practice that beauty is a very comparative term.
For example, some clients ask: “Do you have a fat model?” Others demand: “Please, give my order to a girl with itty-bitty titties!” Of course, it’s possible to find out a stereotyped pattern of boobs which will suit an average client, but the paradox is that even a perfect breast cannot guarantee a successful career in Tittygram!
The second point among other obvious requests is the model’s ability to take high-quality pictures. Everything converges on the arsenal of phototechnique and on the ability of its application. This aspect is much more important than physical beauty. Many of our models have a home studio with a monochrome background, a reflex camera with a tripod, and correct lights. This is not that scaring and expensive as it seems to be!
We need to admit that our models are constantly improving their skills and their works become better and better every day. Due to this fact, Tittygram leaves behind all the amateur human billbord services. Of course, it’s not that easy for beginners to adapt to our high standards. But these are inevitable difficulties! Strict conditions helped us to gather best internet models of present time. Working for Tittygram is a sign of quality and a high rate of professional skills for any model.
But what is the most important thing here? Is there anything more sufficient than right equipment and appearance? Our answer is YES! A good model needs to be able to be artistic in the pictures. She must gesticulate in a genlte way, pick up assesories and lingerie. She must feel the brand style of Tittygram and correspond with it, as well as realize how she can surprise this very client who sent this exact text. If a model treats orders seriously, she will be successful.
Today we have 49 officially employed models! We recommend you to check their tittygrams, they have much to surprise you!