Facebook, VK and OK are afraid of Tittygram
It’s hard to believe, but in a week after its creation Tittygram was stared up and down by various mass media. The creators hardly managed to confirm the first order when there appeared a report devoted to the service on federal TV.
A line of huge publications came approximately in a month. «The Moscow Times», «Playboy», «Cosmopoliten» - everybody was excited with the simplicity and the courage of Titttygram. The journalists’ interest did the service a favor because each of these articles turned out to be mighty (and meanwhile free) advertising!
It seemed that Tittygram story is a bright picture of how a good idea can beat its way through without any effort. But it’s not a full picture. Even international mass media authorities couldn’t make it to overcome the opposition of local waves of radical mood.
For example, VK support declined Tittygram advertising company, considering the service as “shady” putting it in the same group with extrasensory business and other outspoken frauds. The official representatives’ respond to the appeal was that they did not want to cooperate for subjective reasons. Considering current VK advertising, there goes the feeling that the support moral values are very contradictory.
The same story took place with Facebook and OK. According to their convictions, Tittygram’s ads are forbidden in any shape. Even the federal TV report, which has the lowest age limit cannot be publiched for some mystic reasons. You must admit that today such outrageous injustice looks bizzarre and absurd.
It’s a paradox but today Tittygram successfully exists practically without any investment to advertising. The service works due to positive feedback clients’ word of mouth. And the big companies experience was and is now very catching. It was founded out thatfollowinf Burger King and Pay Pal Global many people want to have their ads on “beautiful female breats”.
Let’s hope these guys will change their mind one day.