Does the size possess a value?
This working year the Tittygram company has made thousands of orders. It is a comfort to know that our personalized postcards have made such many people happier. According to the meaning of our clients and their appreciative comments our service is really important. The Tittygram cards give people a sense of a great Holiday and a good mood – all these are emotions not material things.
However, there are some things you can calculate in the work of our system. As you know there is a premium Tittygram service on our web-site. It lets our clients choose the models for taking photos. Today we want to share the statistics which reflects the preferences ant feelings of our clients objectively.
Who is the most popular? Does the size possess a value? Do the men really like girls with big boobs? Does this stereotype work? We have the answer!
As you can see in the diagram our clients pay attention to all the types of models. In most cases people see value in widely used standards of the Beauty. In such a way we can explain the fact that 39% of the clients want to have middle-sized models on their Tittygram photos. It is also clear to understand that the amount of the premium orders was larger with models which have big boobs (they worked more often in 12% of cases than pint-sized girls did).
Let’s sum up. Is it true that a modern women’s beauty can be measured by a size of the breast? Our statistics gives us information that the size of boobs can’t be the main criteria which our clients use choosing the models. No one category gained more than 50%. It means that an individual style and a charm of the concrete girl are much more important than some human body sizes.