Tittygram against sexism and rudeness
We often receive letters from our clients, readers or just stakeholders. Someone wants to thank and give respect to the models, someone wants to complain or pursue a claim. Unfortunately, we are still being blamed of sexism. Today we would like to quotate a couple of letters and give answers on the most popular accusations.
“Don’t you think that your service is an unclosed humiliation of women dignity? Don’t you worry about the word “Boobs” on your official web site?”
Before answering such a criticisms we want to tell you about the mission of the Tittygram. May be it will be surprise for somebody but our servise solves a real problem for many people nowadays.
There are too many Holidays in the modern calendar, we think. St’ Valentine’s Day, Happy New Year, Father’s Day, St’ Patrick’s Day, uncountable friends’ Birthdays — holidays are every week. On the one hand, it’s great, on the other hand — you are obligated to do something. Today every man has hundreds of social sites friends and wants to give attention to many of them. Sadly our modern life is too fast, we spend the main part of the time on our job. Many people do want to give a present but do not have time on its searching. The Tittygram tackles this problem! For 60 minutes you get a bright and unique present which gives happiness and sticks to memory.
And some words about sexism. Our models are both women and men. We think our photos are not just sign on boobs. It is a real creation for us! Despite a high quality standards of the tittygrams each model has her/his personal style. We perceive our models as the artists which professionally carry out the mission with creativity.
There are a lot of hard work and resources behind every photo. Production of every post cards of such level is impossible without special photo equipment, posing skills and high-quality body art. That man who says the tittygrams are just “boobs and only boobs” — demonstrates his narrow opinions, sexism and disrespect to our models.
We are also very sorry about somebody who is reviled by the word “Boobs”. Certainly there is a special time and place for each word. We think our web site is our territory and we have a right not to use a high style of communication here. We speak the modern language which is clear for our clients. And of course we do not want to injure somebody’s feelings!
Here is one more letter:
«This should be taken down! I’m extremely mad that this is even a thing! If my boyfriend went onto here I’d get so pissed off. This offends me because all these girls having big boobs and then I feel extremely self-conscious. Like what does “order a video” mean like you buy videos of girls boobs ?!? What is this !!!? Take this down! Does not need to be a thing I will report this! It’s so inappropriate and completely disrespectful! And if a guy went onto here to ‘get videos of girls boobs’ (if that’s how it works) and if he had a gf that is called cheating! Take this down!»
We understand your emotions! However we hope to change your relation to the tittygrams. Tittygram’s models are very different: there are girls with big and small boobs among them. Beauty is not measured quantity. Everybody has his individual concept of the beautiful.
Well, for example, 39% of our clients think that right the middle-sized breast is the most attractive. Only 18% of the premium-orderes choose the models with ample curves for their tittygrams.
Besides that, we don’t want the tittygrams to become the reason for conflicts and jealousy. These are just the post-cards! Any modern film has sensitive content with beautiful actresses. You must admit that it would be very strange and wrong to be jealous of the film’s fragments on account of your loved one. Or to take offense at film’s director in the category “R“.
People all over the world admire “Nymphomaniac” film by Lars von Trier or “Love” by Gaspar Noé. These movies are shown on the World’s Festivals and the audience greeted the authors with applause. Try to look at the tittygrams without prejudice and to see creativity in them but not the reason for jealousy. We are sure you have a power to make out the mastership and imagination of our models, but not just their boobs!